Unlock The Potential In Your Business



Unlock The Potential Within Your Business

I have just finished reading ‘Keys To Success, 50 Secrets From A Business Maverick’ written by Sir John Timpson.

His businesses offer a range of services including key-cutting, shoe repairs and dry cleaning.

The book is full of great reading including his two rules for business (yes, just two) and Upside Down Management; the big idea that made him much more money.

It ends with his Top 25 Phrases. Here are a few of my favourites;

1. As long as you control the cash you are in control of the business
2. Have a business full of characters who rate 9 or 10 out of 10
3. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it
4. Great companies have great people
5. Don’t waste time on things that don’t matter
6. Money isn’t the only objective
7. You can’t be an expert at everything; know your limitations
8. Get colleagues who run your business to tell you how well the business is running
9. In a world full of social media, the best form of communications is still meeting face-to-face
10. It’s so much easier to do business with people you like

Why not check out this and other books written by Sir John at,


Good luck with your business.

Thanks for reading!
