Here we have a few inspirational links to articles we have come across, which should help and inspire you to make your business a huge success
Best Advice For Women Entrepreneurs
The Top 50 Rules For Women Entrepreneurs
10 Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Learn
Other inspirational videos
5 Ways Successful People Are Different From Everyone Else
5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Confidence
Success Is Helping People
Use Silence To Increase Your Power
Books to inspire, encourage and help you
Small Giants, Companies that Choose to be Great Instead of Big
written by Bo Burlingham, published by Penguin
My favourite book on business, about 14 quite different businesses who made the conscious decision to be great rather than big
The Richer Way
written by Julian Richer, published by Richer Publishing
A great book for anyone running a business of any size
How to Have a Good Day
written by Caroline Webb, published by PAN
The essential toolkit for a productive day at work and beyond
Why Simple Wins
written by Lisa Bodell, published by Bibliomotion, Inc.
Escape the complexity trap and to work that matters
What Great Brands Do
written by Denise Lee Yohn, published by Jossey-Bass
The seven brand-building principles that separate the best from the rest