Once A Customer, Always A Customer
How To Deliver Great Customer Service That Creates Customers For Life
This book, written by Chris Daffy, is one of my personal favourites.
It is full of useful information and real-life examples of great customer service.
Customer service is the most important skill for any business to have. Without customers, you wouldn’t have a business. Without returning customers, your business won’t last long.
Also, it’s widely reported that adding a new customer costs five times more than keeping an existing one, so why wouldn’t you make customer service a priority.
Great customer service is what differentiates you from the competition. It makes customers return again and again, and tell everyone how great you and your business are. You are prepared to do what your competitors can’t, won’t or don’t do.
Published in 1996 by Oak Tree Press, this book is not easy to obtain but you won’t regret the time you spend finding a copy.
Good luck with your business.
Thanks for reading!