Turn Business Strategy Into Profit
Good Strategy Will Get You There
Why not use the 5+5 Strategy to get back on track?
Employees – Over the previous 5 years, what did you do well? Make a list.
Over the next 5 years, what do you want to improve? Make a plan.
Customers – Over the previous 5 years, what did you do well? Make a list.
Over the next 5 years, what do you want to improve? Make a plan.
Financials – The 5+5 Financial Review
Take your previous 5 years accounts.
Enter the headline information into a summary.
Review the information; what is good? what would you like to improve?
Enter your information for the next 5 years.
Review the information again; is it reasonable? is it realistic? does it look possible?
Q: Now, how are you going to get there?
A: Make a plan.
5 Steps to Make a Plan
1. Review all the information.
2. Consider all the options.
3. Decide on the best ones.
4. Put the changes in place.
5. Monitor the results, and make adjustments if required.
And keep monitoring results. If you don’t monitor and measure, then you can’t manage, so you won’t improve.
Every business is different and no-one knows your business better than you and your team. Get everyone onboard and ideas flowing. Build back better. Be prepared. Become more resilient. Get back on track. Then, power on.
Good luck with your business.
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